Membership Benefits
Being a member of APGNN provides opportunities to lead and leave a legacy, further your career, and to connect and learn from others.

Awards & Scholarships
APGNN would like to reward and honor outstanding members for their contributions to the field of Pediatric Gastroenterology through the Excellence in Education Award, Excellence in Mentoring Award, Sue Peck Excellence in Nursing Practice, NASPGHAN Foundation/APGNN Susan Moyer Nursing Research Grant, Poster of Distinction Award, Active Member Conference Scholarship, and New Member Conference Scholarships.
APGNN Clinical Handbook
Clinical Handbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Fourth Edition is a pocket handbook written to meet the needs of both newcomers as well as veteran providers of children with gastroenterology and nutritional problems. Composed of 21 chapters, the initial chapters address the more common conditions seen in patients and are organized in a framework designed to provide key assessment features, diagnostic tools, and treatment options. Clinical pearls and key resources draw on the practical experience of our contributing authors, who are nursing experts in their specialty areas. The final chapters present key background information on diagnostic studies, medications, and nutritional aspects that provide a basis for the therapies used in the practice of pediatric gastroenterology.

Partner Organizations
It is a privlege to be associated with NASPGHAN (North American Society For Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition). As a member benefit, APGNN members have full access to NASPGHAN clinical content.
GIKids provides children and families resources and information on the diagnosis and management of pediatric digestive disorders. The APGNN Patient & Professional Education Committee contributes to the development and maintenance of content in conjunction with NASPGHAN.